Zulu Kingdom

The Zulu Kingdom, sometimes referred to as the Zulu Empire, was a Southern African state in what is now South Africa. The small kingdom gained world fame during and after the Anglo-Zulu War. Contents 1 The Rise of the Zulu Kingdom under Shaka 2 The Bloody Ascendancy of Dingane 3 Clashes with the Voortrekkers and … Read more

Umshado Wentombi Nensizwa YaseNazaretha

Uma intombi nensizwa yaseNazaretha beganana kunemithetho okumele bayilandele ukuze umshado wabo uhambe kahle. Insizwa ikhetha intombi eyithandile, uma intombi ivumile iyabongwa ngesiphuzo esibandayo namakhekhe, konke lokhu kunikezwa umphathi wayo. Bese kuyahanjwa kuyocelwa ubuhlobo obuhle kubo kwentombi, kwendiwe bese insizwa nentombi baye kothola isibusiso enkosini eBuhleni ngokuthi bahlanganiswe ngokomshado kodwa basuke besazowuhlela umshado wabo omkhulu. Intombi nensizwa … Read more

Nomkhubulwane Zulu Goddess of Rain

Nomkhubulwane, Zulu Goddess of Rain Nomkhubulwane is the Zulu Goddess of rain, nature, and fertility, and is regarded as the Mother Earth. She is believed to be capable of changing into different types of animals. The name Nomkhubulwane means “she who chooses the state of an animal”. In the olden days the Zulus would plough … Read more

Mlu Zondi – Dancer, Performance Artist

Mlu Zondi, 34 year old male who is born-and-bred in Durban, is the 2010 Standard Bank Young Artist Award winner for dance. This dynamic, out-of-the-box performer moves seamlessly between the stage, gallery and public spaces, and challenges the boundaries of the dance discipline with his cutting edge performance art, videos and multimedia installations. “As a young artist, winning … Read more

Izibongo zikaMuziwakhe Anton Lembede

Izibongo zikaAnton Lembede UMagalela ngobuchoph’ abanye begadla ngezikhali, Inkunz’ abayikhuz’ ubunzima ngesikhathi sobandlululo Ithole likaMaLuthuli elitshekedul’ epulazini lomlungu UMnumzane Frank Fell kwangabandaba zalutho. Inkunz’ abayikhuz’ ubunzima isekude Izalwe kwasuk’ ingxabano kwabomndeni Ingan’ uMaLuthuli wayesefuna basuk’ epulazini Ngob’ efuna indodana yabo ithole imfundo. Kukhul’ okwabonw’ uMbazwana ngonyaka ka-1914 Kuzalw’ iqhawe, inkunz’ ezalwe ngesikhathi esinzima Isipheth’ esiqhum’ … Read more

Izibongo zeNkosi uKusakusa kaZwelinjani

Lezi yizibongo zeNkosi uKusakusa waseMbo. Usophikaswe ithole eliphikwe abaMbo Bathi bangebuswe iwundlu Ingonyama ibidl’ amabele Bakuzonda muMbo Bayakudla bayakuphephetha Kufanele ukhule ubengangezintaba. Umthente ohlub’ usamila wakithi esiMahleni Unonkokheli okhokhel’ abaMbo behlwathiza Owan’ umlilo osha kwandaya, Naba bebasa izwe loyihlomkhulu Wawubhula ndaba kwaze kwakhalaInduna yasemgangeni uPosi wakwaNdaba. Uthi ulixoki namaxoki asoCengeni ayizwile, Indaba yenkosi ethand’ uxolo, … Read more