UDiwali eThekwini

Umsuka AmaHindu aseThekwini aqhube amasiko amaningi kanye nemikhosi evela eNdiya kodwa umgubho obaluleke kakhulu futhi odumile uDiwali noma i-Deepavali Diwali igujwa ngamaHindu aseThekwini minyaka yonke futhi ibizwa ngokuthi umkhosi wamalambu. Kuqhunyiswa iziqhumane esibhakabhakeni futhi ugujwa usuku noma ezimbili. Isizathu sikaDiwali Kunezinganekwane eziningi zokuthi kungani sigubha iDiwali kepha ingqikithi eyinhloko ukunqoba okubi. Inganekwane edume kakhulu ukubuya … Read more

Zulu Kings First Fruits Ceremony (Umkhosi Wokweshwama)

The ceremony Young men (amabutho) kill a bull with their hands during the ceremony. The celebration of the first fruit takes place early in December. It is the first fruits celebration where people bring their first harvest for the year to the king. The celebration takes place at Enyokeni Royal Palace, Nongoma. The Zulu Eco Adventures … Read more