Red Soil

Ibovu ‘red soil’ is the kind of soil that you can get from the rural areas near the river or in the valley. Ibovu does a lot of work even though some people think that it is just a soil. It can be used to make muthi which is helpful and that heals children, the … Read more

Inanda dam

Contents 1 Inanda Dam 2 Okutholaka Kulendawo 3 Ukuhlanzwa kwamanzi 4 English Summary 5 Attractions Inanda Dam UNelisiwe Hlongwane uxoxisane noMnumzane Paulose Gwala no Mnumzane Gerald. Inanda Dam resort entranceUMnumzane Gwala wakhulela  kulendawo. UMnumzane Gerald usebenza eMsinsi uye osixoxele ngalendawo futhi uye osiza labo abasuke befuna ukuzobona indawo. Inanda Dam lise Valley of 1000 Hills uma … Read more