Zulu beliefs about the Praying Mantis

The praying mantis (isithwalambiza in isiZulu) is a little creature that is respected by the Zulu community. The Zulus refer to it as ugogo, meaning ‘the granny’. They believe it represents a female ancestral spirit. If this creature appears in a home of a Zulu person they believe that there is a message from the … Read more

Izaga Ezingokweseka Imizi

Ezingokweseka imizi Akukho muzi ongathunqi ntuthu: Akukho muzi lapho kungaveli nokuncane ukuxabana. Akukho mfula ongahlokomi: Yonke imizi inezindaba nezingxabano zayo. Akumfula ongazwekali: Yonke imizi inezindaba nezingxabano zayo. Induku kayinamuzi: Ungeke ume umuzi lapho indoda ikhuluma ngomshiza. Induku kayiwakhi umuzi: Ungeke ume umuzi lapho indoda ikhuluma ngomshiza. Igugu liyadonsiswana: Ukuze abantu abaganene bahlalisane kahle kufanele basizane, … Read more