Ukuhlukaniswa ngezigaba kwenyama yenkomo

Kunendlela elandelwayo uma kuhlatshiwe inkomo ekhaya. Kunezingxenye zenyama engadliwa ubulili noma ibuphi kanti futhi kukhona futhi edliwa ngokweminyaka yabantu.

Inanzi – Ixhumene netwani iyisikhwanyana esincane. Phakathi kunobulongwe obumanzi. Idliwa omama.
Iphaphu – Lisesifubeni likhishwa kanye nenhliziyo. Lidliwa abafana.

Isibindi – Siseduze kwephaphu. Sikhulu kuso kukhishwa inyongo. Sidliwa ubaba wekhaya usikelwa umbengo ose bese kusala esamakhosikazi.

Inhliziyo – Isikwa ihlukaniswe nephaphu. Idliwa abafana.

Inso – Ziphahle umgogodla ngasesinqeni senkomo. Izinso zidliwa umnumzane nomayilowo okhonzwe yilowo osuke ehlabile.

Uvalo – Ithambo elincane elingenzansi kwesifuba.

Usu – Lususwa kade luxhumene nephaphu nosinyaka. Amathumbu aphakathi kosu nosinyaka. Usu yithumbu elikhulu elisongene labayinkatha. Lusathawula lunobulongwe kulo ngaphakathi obukhishwayo.

Isinye – Isikhwama samanzi aphuma ezinsweni zenkomo (umchamo).

Umthala – Inyama eyisicubu, ebasamvinqi oswini.

Impundu – Isikhwama esisesibindini ngoba isuke ixhumene naso. Idliwa yizalukazi kuthiwa uma idliwe abasebasha bayakhohlwa kalula.
English Summary
There are certain procedures that are followed when a cow is slaughtered at home for traditional purposes. Some of the animal’s parts are eaten according to age and gender. This practice is respected by all the people who perform the traditional ceremonies. There are beliefs surrounding the issue of not respecting this.

Colon – Is eaten by women.
Lung – Eaten by the boys.
Liver – Must first be eaten by the head of the family and the rest is reserved for women.
Heart – Eaten by the boys.
Kidney – Eaten by the owner of the house or a close friend. 
Small lobe of the heart – Eaten by elder women, it is said that if young women eat it they can become forgetful.

1 thought on “Ukuhlukaniswa ngezigaba kwenyama yenkomo”

  1. Imihlobo yenyama yenkomo elemikhuba thize lokuthi ayidliwa yiluphi uhlobo lwabantu ngasizatho bani


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