Inanda nezindawo zamagugu nomlando

Inanda ingelinye lamalokishi eTheku amadala futhi inomlando onzulu.  Leli lokishi linezindawo eqhukethe umlando obalulekile, uMasipala weTheku uthathe ithuba lokuqhakambisa noma lokutshengisa ngamagugu alendawo. UMasipala weTheku ubusingethe Inanda Heritage Route Tour ngempelasonto. Izivakashi ebeziyingxenye yalolu hambo zihlangane eNorth Beach Tourism Office ngaphambi kokuba zilibhekise eNanda ngebhasi. Uhambo ludlele endawenI ebalulekile yamagugu KwaMuhle Museum kanye naseMahatma Gandhi … Read more

No Longer At This Address – Dr Langalibalele Dube Street

This past Sunday marked the 105th anniversary of the founding of the ANC. Originally called the South African Native National Congress (SANNC), the political organisation was formed on the 8th January 1912, in response, in part, to the Natives Land Act which once passed into law would create separate reserves for black people, and prohibit … Read more