Ngeshwa iNingizimu Afrika yizwe lapho isimo senhlalo sabantu besifazane singagculisi. Kwazise ezweni lethu izinga lodlame olubhekiswe kwabesimame ikakhulukazi yilabo abathandana nabo lidlangile, ukudlwengulwa kwabo kanye nezingane insakavukela umchilo wesidwaba kanti usamningi umsebenzi okumele wenziwe ukuze bathole inhlonipho nokuthenjwa okunikwa abantu abesilisa uma kukhulunywa ngezobuholi kanye nokudlala indima emnothweni.
Lapha ke ngifake umqopho wembongi uThembalethu Ntuli lapho igxeka lesi simo. Into enhle ngale nkondlo ukuthi ayigcini ngokushwabula nje kuphela, kepha iqukethe amazwi amtoti ahlose ukugqugquzela abantu besimame, ikakhulukazi abamnyama ukuthi abazazi ukuthi bahle futhi bayisimanga esiwumgogodla wesizwe sethu.
Brief Overview
The article contains an audio recording of spoken-word performance by Thembalethu Ntuli, a Durban-born and based student and poet. The audio clip was taken on 28 September 2018 at the University of KwaZulu-Natal’s Centre for Jazz. The content of the audio clip bemoans the state of violence that many South African women have fallen victim to. The poet concludes her performance by words of encouragement and affirmation to women, whom she feels are not always accorded the due recognition in society due to factors such as body weight, skin tone, etc.