Ukuma kwezimpondo zezinkomo

Igodla: inkabi enophondo olulodwa olubheke phansi (beast with one horn falling downwards)
Igoqo: inkomo enezimpondo ezisontenele emuva
Igubudu: inkomo enezimpondo ezigobele phansi bese ziqonda phambili (beast with horn curving down and forward) 
Inqudulu: inkomo engenazimpondo (beast with no horns) 
Ingudulu: inkabi esencane enezimpondo ezisamile (calf with horns beginning to grow) 
Insontane: inkomo enezimpondo ezisontene
Insizwa: inkabi engenazimpondo (hornless ox) 
Uphenge: inkomo enezimpondo eziqhelelene kakhulu (beast with horns widespread) 
Ikhobongo: inkomo enezimpondo eziqonde thishi phambi kobuso (beast with straight horn in front of face) 
Umkhombe: inkabi enezimpondo ezikhula ngokuqhuma emaceleni olulodwa lukhula lubheke phezulu

English Summary
This article describes the names of cattle horns.

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