Why Durban?

Darryl Davids, the Head of English at UKZN, and one of the team members responsible for Durban’s successful bid to be named a UNESCO World City of Literature says that he has been asked “Why Durban”? His response, appropriately, is “Why not Durban?”. But we thought that we’d take the opportunity to answer the question … Read more

Durban: Unesco World City of Literature

Durban can be very proud of itself, having recently been the recipient of not one, but two international awards. The first is an annual award that relates to town planning, with Durban being recognised by the International Society of City and Regional Planners for its inner city spatial vision and regeneration strategy. The second award is … Read more

International Day For Monuments and Sites

Today is the International Day For Monuments and Sites, which is held on 18 April each year around the world with different types of activities, including visits to monuments and heritage sites, conferences, round tables and newspaper articles. The International Day for Monuments and Sites was proposed by the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) … Read more

Rescuing stories of indigenous peoples through audiovisual media

A project with similar aims to that of Ulwazi:

UNESCO’s Office in Quito has finished the implementation of its project “Rescuing the Stories of Indigenous Peoples through Audiovisual Media”. This project allowed the Association of Kichwa Audiovisual Producers (APAK) from Imbabura, Ecuador, to enhance its capacities and to make a documentary on indigenous cultural identity.
The training workshops and the documentary filming lasted three weeks and were guided by national and international experts. Sixteen APAK members attended the workshops, the content of which included pre-production research, screenplay writing, the use of camera, sound and light, as well as editing and post-production.

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