Kuhlekonke Ntuli

Kulendatshana siqhakambisa uKuhlekonke Ntuli, inkosazana eyazalelwa endaweni yakwaMaphumulo kodwa yakhulela eNew Germany ePinetown. Le ntokazi isizakhele igama njengomunye wabantu abasha bakuleli abakhombisa ikusasa eliqhakazile njengabaholi bakusasa. Le ntokazi iphinde yaduma kakhulu ngenkathi incintisana nabanye abayisihlanu ohlelweni, i-One Day Leader, obeluvezwa ngoLwesine ngo21:00 ku-SABC1. UNkosazana Ntuli waqala ebuncaneni bakhe eveza ikhono lakhe lobuholi. Esikoleni samabanga aphansi, … Read more

Prime Minister Mangosuthu Buthelezi

Mangosuthu Buthelezi is a name that most South Africans are very familiar with. As founder of the Inkatha Freedom Party, Buthelezi’s name is often in the newspapers, but what some South African’s may not be aware of is that in addition to acting as a political leader in mainstream politics, Buthelezi is also considered to be Prime Minister to … Read more