EThekwini kugujwa umkhosi we-25th Time of Writer oqale ngoMsombuluko, mhlaka 14 Mashi, uzovalwa mhlaka 21 Mashi 2022, ngoMsombuluko. Lo mkhosi ugujwa minyaka yonke eCentre for Creative Arts, eNyuvesi yaKwaZulu Natali lapho izinjulabuchopho zababhali zihlangene khona. Kulonyaka ababhali abangaphuzu kuka-100 bazoba ingxenye yalomgubho owethulwa ku-inthanethi okwesithathu ngemuva kokuqala kweCovid 19.

Umkhosi kulonyaka ugqugquzelwe (inspired) ingqalabutho eyawina i-Africa’s Nobel Peace Prize uDkt Chief Albert Luthuli. Isiqubulo salomkhosi salonyaka esithi Beyond Words: Memory, Imagination and Conscience, sizobungaza iqaza lika Dkt Luthuli nesikhumbuzo seminyaka ewu- 60 se-biography yakhe ethi Let My People Go, esakhishwa ngo-1962. Kulo mkhosi kuzobe kuhlanganyele nababhali ukudingida kabanzi ukuthi ngabe umbono kaLuthuli Ningizimu Afrika engcono uyenzeka noma cha.
Lo mkhosi uvulwe uDkt Nokuthula Mazibuko Msimang ongumbhali omkanjubovu ngaphansi kweze-film. Umbhali ofakiwe kulonyaka uMandla Langa injulabuchopho yombhali waseMzansi Afrika eyawina i-Commonwealth Writers Prize ngenoveli yakhe ethi Colours of the Chameleon ngo-2009. Ngomhlaka 21 Mashi, kuzokwethulwa uhlelo oluyisipesheli lwe-UNESCO’s International Poetry Day kanye noSuku Lwamlungelo Abantu eMzansi Afrika.
Article Overview
The 25th Time of the Writer was held between 14th – 21st March 2022. The festival take place every year at the Centre for Creative Arts, University of KwaZulu-Natal. More than 100 writers from South Africa and around the globe assembled for the festival that was presented online for the third consecutive year. This year’s festival was inspired by the Noble Peace Prize winner Chief Albert Luthuli. Dr Nokuthula Mazibuko Msimang was the keynote speaker and the featured author was Mandla Langa.