Ukuthakathwa Ngezilwane Zasendle

Imithi namakhambi adume ukusetshenziswa ukusiza abantu ekuqineni noma ekulashweni esifweni esithize ababhekene naso. Kodwa kuvame ukuthi abantu bagcine sebeganga ngalamakhambi abawaphiwe ukuthi balaphe ngawo benze okunye okuwukonakala nomkhuba ongcolile ocekela phansi abanye abantu nemizi yabo.

Lesi senzo sokucekela phansi ngokonakala ngamakhambi kubizwa ngokuthi ukuthakatha. Lapha umuntu usuke enomona ngenxa yento ethize lona omunye angenayo noma bebanga into ethize ukuze igcine ingakuye, lona omunye usezohambela imbangi yakhe ayoyihlanganisela amakhambi azomenza agule bese eya kwagoqanyawo.

Lemithi yakhiwa ilabantu abathakathayo yenza noma ifika sakugula kumuntu ethunywe kuyena ukuba imenzakalise. Umuntu uyompampa yonke indawo engazi ukuthi udliwa yini kanti usegilwe ngalemithi yokuthakatha. Ngithole umngani oke walahlekelwa uyise wakhe ngenxa yokuthi ugilwe ngozakwabo ngento encane abayibangile. Lomuntu ugcine ehamba izibhedlela ngoba ekhala ngokuthi kunento emudla esiswini, isisu sakhe sivuvukale sibe sikhulu. Bafike odokotela bamuxilonge bengaboni lutho kuyena. Wase ehamba izinyanga, lapho bafike bathola ukuthi unezilwane phakathi esiswini kuyena. Lapho waphuziswa khona umuthi ukuba lesisilwane sidambise ulaka lwaso ngaphambi kokuba asisebenze. Lezi zilwane zisuke zithunywe umuntu othize ukuba zifike zidabule umphefumulo walowo ezingene kuyena zibuyele emuva umsebenzi eziwuthunyiwe ziwufezile. Uma kungenjalo, umuntu ozithumile uyazithethisa kanti nazo futhi ziyamsaba kakhulu umuntu onikezwe zona ukuba asebenze ngazo. Yathi lapho isilashwa isigaba sokugcina indoda yomuzi leyo nekuyilapho ekwakumele lezi zilwane ziphume kuyona, zalwa ngaphakathi zagcina ziphume nomphefumulo wakhe uqobo.

Omunye umuntu yena washaywa ngenyoni, okungenye indlela yokuthakatha. Lapho kuthunyelwa khona uhlobo oluthile lwenyoni kumuntu ifike imshaye, kuleyondawo emshaye khona uzokophela ngaphakathi bese eshona ngemuva kwesikhashana imshayile.

Ngibe sengicwaninga kabanzi ngazithela komunye umuntu wesifazane othi unezinyoka esiswini. Yena uthi inkinga babanga isikhundla emsebenzini nensizwa ethile abasebenza nayo ekuyiyo emgile lomkhuba. Lentokazi isihambe izinyanga nabathandazi ukuthola usizo lokwelapheka, nekuyilapho efike iphuziswe imithi yenani elishisiwe. Bese lemithi imukhipha noma ahanjiswe yisisu, okuyilapho kuphuma khona izinyoka ezimbili esiswini sakhe. Enye isuke isaphila enye isifile. Kodwa inkinga ukuthi ngemuva kokuphalaziswa, kuzodlula isikhathi ibuye iqale phansi. Ukhala ngokuthi ukwelapheka okuphelele akutholakali.

English Summary
The traditional medicine is made to cure and help chase away black magic. But people misuse it for their dirty jobs to kill other people by bewitching them. A father of a friend recently passed on because of the quarrel they had with other people whom he work with. He started seeing his stomach swelling and when he went to the doctor, the doctor said there was nothing wrong with him. Of which he further went to the traditional healer who the diagnosed that there were animals “wild dogs” which were sent by a particular person and the healer mentioned the situation which led to this happening. He then started treating him by giving him some muthi that will calm down these dogs before he gives him the dosage that will send them out of his body. But on the day of taking them out. The life of this person was claimed due to these “dogs” being too aggressive and willing to live his body with his soul. In that way he then passed on.

I met another person during my research on a similar topic who told me that she is going through the same ordeal. She was competing for a position at work with someone which ended where she got the position. A week later she felt something in her tummy and her stomach started getting big. When seeing the medical doctor, they turned her away because there was nothing they could see. But when she attended to the traditional healer, she received some muthi to drink and then went to the toilet where she relieved herself and two small snakes came out of her body, one dead. She left the traditional happy and paid a good amount of money for the consultation, but a few days later, the situation started again.

By: Mbusiswa Zuma

6 thoughts on “Ukuthakathwa Ngezilwane Zasendle”

  1. Thokoza, uma abathakatha bezama ukukuthwebula uze kube ngathi sewuhanjelwa inqondo, kuyenzeka yini mawugcina ulaphekile kodwa umqondo ungabe usabuyela esimweni sawo.

  2. Molweni ndinengxaki apha ndinento endihambayo ngaphakathi ndiyayiva. What’s worse now my 2yr old son ukhala ngokuthi kubuhlungu isisu. In my life everything is at a stand still. Iv dreamt snakes, iv eaten feces in my dreams, animals like snake like things really dark men having what feels like sex in my dreams. Worse now my son is also eating in his dreams such that he even gets up in his sleep motioning with his hands putting in his mouth vigorously. I have no idea where to go for help. I hear whistles in my head my son is also now covering his ears even though there is no noise at all. I wish to ask if you have any idea where I can get help please. Where I won’t be taken advantage of or misdiagnosed. I need help. Desperately. My cell number is 0672770783/ please any information worth exploring.

  3. Ngicela usizo mangihamba abantu besintu bathi kukhona umuntu owangisebenza ngomhlaba wase mathuneni,kodwa wangigeza ngithanda ukwazi ukuty liyasuka yin lelo thunzi lobumnyama?

  4. Bathumela izilwane ukuthi zigange nge-phone yami. Zingena kwi-phone ebusuku zisende ama sms Kuma contact zingene Nako whatsapp. Ngicela usizo sekuyaphuthuma


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