The History of the Khuzwayo surname

Isibongo sakwa Khuzwayo saqhamuka esibongweni sakwaGumede. UGumede kwakunguyena ubaba kaKhuzwayo. UKhuzwayo wayengumuntu okhuzwa njalo wayesethola leligama lakhe likaKhuzwayo. Emva kwesikhathi, uGumede wabonisana nendodana yakhe wathi kuzomele iphume inxiwa lakhe khona ezokwazi ukuzimela. UKhuzwayo waphuma inxiwa lakhe kwasekuba walibiza ngokuthi ikaKhuzwayo kulomuzi wakhe.

English summary
‘Khuzwayo’ simply means ‘the one who is always receiving warnings’, and one popular figure in South Africa who was a Khuzwayo was Helen Khuzwayo. The surname actually comes out of the Gumede surname. Khuzwayo was the son of Gumede and lived under the mentorship of his father until his adulthood. Khuzwayo was a troublemaker and he always received warnings and that is how he inherited the name Khuzwayo. After some time Gumede advised his son to become independent and establish a home of his own. Khuzwayo established the home and that home was a Khuzwayo home and that is how the Khuzwayo surname was born.

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