Umculo wabafundi baseJG Zuma High School

Enyakatho yeTheku elokishini laseNanda kukhona isikole esiqanjwe ngegama likaMnumzane Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma owaba umongameli wakuleli kusukela ngo-2009 kuya ku-2018.

Lesi sikole saziwa njengezinye ezimbalwa zikahulumeni ezifundisa izifundo zomkhakha wezasolwandle phecelezi i-Maritime.

Lesi sikole singaphinde sibabazeke nangegalelo kwezomculo. Awuke ubheke nje ngezansi abafundi bakulesi sikole benandisa ngamaphimbo amtoti eThekwini mhla zingama-25 ku-June kowe-2018.

Lezi zinsizwa zihuba iculo elithi Ekuseni Wena Uyangibona nehubo lesiSuthu elidume kakhulu eNingizimu Afrika elithi Emanuel.

Article overview

The article above contains a video recording of high school pupils from the Jacob Gedleyehlikisa Zuma High School. The school, situated in the township known as Inanda, is of the few public high schools in the country that offer maritime studies. However, this article aims to shine a spotlight on the vocal abilities of pupils from this school as they sing popular hymns Ekuseni Wena Uyang’bona and Emanuel (which they sing in Sesotho). The first song (Ekuseni Wena Uyang’bona) is usually sung a traditional marriage ceremonies and the second song (Emanuel) is a popular Sotho-language Christian hymn that is mainly sung at Evangelical churches throughout the country.

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