It is claimed that Eskimos have fifty different words that they use for describing snow, something that forms an integral part of their day to day lives. This month our fieldworkers looked at the subtleties of language, amongst other things, with a focus on synonyms. Nkosikhona Duma wrote an article that looked specifically at the different words used for ‘shaya’, which according to Duma literally means ‘to beat’, as in a stick being beaten against a shield.
Follow the links below to read these and other articles written by our fieldworkers during the month of April:
- Amagama Okushaya
- Ukuhlonipha
- Phind’ ukhulume Moya Oyingcwele
- Umkhosi WamaGanu
- Ezemfashini, iWayini noMculo oGwini
- Iphasika
- Mphemba
- Soyicel’ Ivuthiwe!