Soyicel’ Ivuthiwe!


Bafakan’ imilomo.

Izandla ziklabela buthule;

“Siyoyicel’ Ivuthiwe!”

Baboph’ amanqin’ enyathi

‘Ze bethweswe’ iminyezane;

ngokuhlub’ udlub’ ekhasini:

abasiki bebund’ uqobo!

Bayoluthez’ olunenkume

Ngokugiya ngethambo likaSichwe

Qeda bazisikele kwelinonile.


Bakhal’ ungokhala.

isikhuni sesubuya nomkhwezeli!


Brief Overview

This poem is written by Thenjisiwe Gcaleka, sharing her views and discontent about gossipers bad-mouthing one her friends, where she airs her anger and states that one day, they will all regret bad-mouthing other people.

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