A skipping rope is an entwined string made of grass or fibre. Children play by skipping and jumping over the rope. This is the explanation given by Mrs. F Khoza of Highflats, Ixopo.
1 The person consulted
2 Who play this game?
3 What is used to play this game?
4 When is this game played?
5 Where is this game played?
6 How is this game played?
7 Source
The person consulted
The researcher spoke to Mrs F Khoza, one of the teachers, about this game. Mrs. Khoza originally comes from Ixopo.
Who plays this game?
This game is played by boys and girls between the ages of 4 – 10.
What is used to play this game?
This game is played using entwined ropes of grass or fibre.
When is this game played?
This game is played during the day if it is not raining.
Where is this game played?
This game is played in the yard even though it may not be very big.
How is this game played?
There is a skipping game played individually. In this game each child would have his/her own rope and skip individually. This game helps to keep fit and just for fun. This game can continue until players get tired and they just change skipping styles.
Skipping in twos
Mrs. Khoza explained about this game in which children play in pairs. One holds the rope and they both skip simultaneously. All the children would be in pairs and compete as pairs. The last pair to remain on the game without fault would be the winning pair.
Skipping in threes
As Mrs. Khoza explained, in this method two children would hold the rope at either end. The third one would be playing and skipping the rope. If he/she makes a fault, another one will take the next turn.
Skipping by many
Mrs. Khoza gave an explanation of this variant of the game. Two children hold the rope on either end. The rest of the children form a line. They skip on the rope one person at a time and then move out. They would take these quick turns and those who falter would be out of the game until only one person remains skipping and this would be the winner.
From a Masters dissertation by Victoria Mkhize for the School of IsiZulu, University of KwaZulu-Natal. Supervised by Professors P.J. Zungu and V. Prabhakaran.