Okuqashelwayo Ekhaya Uma Kuduma Izulu

Ngokwesintu kuyahlonishwa kakhulu uma liduma izulu, kangangoba kukhona izinto ezingenziwa uma izulu liduma. Abantu abaningi bayafa ngenxa yezulu, lokhu kuyasabisa. Izinto ezicwebezelayo njengamanzi, izibuko, ubisi kanye nokunye kuyambozwa, ngoba kudonsa umbani. Amawindi nezicabha kuyavulwa ukuze kungene umoya ngoba ukushisa nokuqgumelana ndawonye akufuneki kudonsa umbani. Uma kuduma izulu wonke umuntu ekhaya uhlala phansi ocansini kuzothwe umuntu uyeka konke akwenzayo kuhlalwe ndawonye, kukhulunyelwa phansi akumenyezwa.Izulu liyaduma ngokwemvelo kodwa nabathakathi bayakwazi ukususa izulu balithumele kulowomuntu abamkhethile ukuze izulu limenzakalise. Kodwa izangoma nabelaphi bendabuko bayakwazi ukukuvimba lokho kungenzeki ngemithi yabo, bayakwazi nokuliphindisela kulowo olithumelile. Izulu liyaduma futhi uma inyoka ishintsha isiziba. Izulu liyahloma ligqunqe libemnyama uma izinsizwa ziya empini, lokhu kususwa intelezi ezisuke ziyidlile ukuze ziqine futhi zibe nesibindi.

Izindlela zokuvikela ikhaya ukuthi izulu lingamoshi
Umnumzane wekhaya uthatha isihlangu kanye nehawu lakhe aye esibayeni afike agiye aqephuze esho ekhuluma nezinyanya noma amadlozi akhe, ecela ukuba libavikele kanye nomndeni wakhe. Abanye bashisa ithayi lemoto elidala balibeke phezulu endlini. Lokhu kuyasiza ukudonsa umbani ungangeni endlini. Abanye bathatha igatsha lesihlahla somsuzwana balihlome phezu komnyango.
Umuntu oshaywe umphezulu noma izulu washona akagcwatshwa ngendlela ejwayelekile futhi akazilelwa ngoba kukholelwa ekutheni ubizwe abaphansi. Izilwane ezibulewe umphezulu azidliwa sibala izinkomo, izimbuzi kanye nezinkukhu. Izihlahla azibaswa nhlobo ezishaywe umphezulu. Indlu eshaywe umphezulu ayakhiwa kabusha kodwa kufunwa enye indawo eceleni ekuzokwakhiwa kuyo enye indlu.

English Summary
Procedures followed during thunderstorms in Zulu cultureThere are many people that have been killed by thunderstorms in Zululand. According to the Zulu culture there are some techniques that must be done in order to prevent lightning from attacking homesteads. When a storm is brewing, all shiny objects e.g. mirrors, water, milk etc are covered, as these are all believed to attract lightning. Windows and doors are kept opened to let fresh air in as it is believed that if they are closed, the heat generated inside will attract lightning and the hut will be struck down. During thunderstorms everybody sits on the floor to show respect, all conversation are kept to a minimum, noise and height as in people sitting in chairs, are also believed to attract lightning.

Thunderstorms are natural but there are those that can be started by witches for instance there is also a believe that lightning can be sent to specific target by someone to bewitch them, your family or livestock. Traditional healers can prevent this by their medicines and can also tell who sent the lightning and send it back to that person so they are struck down. It can also be started when the snake is moving from one dam to another dam. When the warriors are going to the war there are chances that a storm might start. It can be caused by traditional medicine they used to make themselves strong.

Techniques used to prevent lightning from attacking the homestead 
In order to stop lightning, the head of the family would go to the kraal, burn herbs and perform traditional dance and praising the ancestors carrying the shield and a stick, he will beg his ancestors to protect them. Another alternative is to place an old tyre on the roof, this is believed to absorb the lightning. Others pick a branch of (umsuzwane) sausage tree and put it on the door.

A person struck by lightning is not mourned or buried with a ceremony as it is believed that they were killed according to ancestor’s wishes. Any animal struck by lightning is not eaten and trees struck by lightning are not used as firewood for any purpose at all. A hut that has been struck by lightning is never rebuilt the family looks for another site to build another hut because if they rebuilt the lightning will struck again and destroy everything.

Source: Themba Dlamini,Umbumbulu
Written By: Bongiwe Ndlovu

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