Izaga: Iningi Liyabona Ububende

Iningi liyabona ububende

Lesisaga enye ingxenye yokukhuluma eveza ukuthi ulimi lwesintu lunone kangakanani. Lesi esinye sezaga ezikhona olimini lwesiZulu kanti kusuke kukhulunywa ngento ehlanganisa abantu abaningi ukuthi kayilungi, kodwa kube ngoyedwa obhekana nayo noma oyenzayo ukuze inqobeke, ikakhulukazi uma kuyinto eyinkinga enkulu. Izaga zazisetshenziswa kakhulu ngabantu abadala ukuxwayisa labo abasakhula ngobungozi obuthile obungase bubavelele. Uma sesiyihlaziya kahle sicubungula igama ngalinye lapha, sibuka ububende okukhulunywa ngabo kulesi sisho, kukhulunywa ngokudla okudliwa ikakhulu uma kade kuhlatshiwe ekhaya. Kuba wubende oluqotshwe izingcezwana lwahlanganiswa negazi lesilwane esisuke sihlatshiwe. Kuyaye kucotshelelwe nangetwani namaqashana amancane enyama yomkhono. Leyongxube kuba kuhle yenziwe ngumuntu oyedwa ukuze ibemnandi. Kulesi saga kusuke kuxwayiswa umuntu ukuba ababheke abantu ahlanganyela nabo uma ebhekene nokuthile okuyinkinga empilweni yakhe ngoba ukuvumela noma ngubani azame ukukunika isixazululo, kungase kudale inkinga engaphezu kwaleyo esuke ikhona.

English Summary
Zulu Proverb: Too many hands spoil the broth
This is a Zulu saying which shows how rich the language is. This is one of the many sayings or proverbs in Zulu which relates to a situation where if there is something which involves many people usually nothing will go right, especially if it’s a challenging project. Proverbs were mostly used in the old days by older people to warn young ones of the dangers they might encounter.
If we dissect each word in the sentence, we look at the meaning ububende, which is part of the meat found in the cow that is cooked with other parts and then mixed with blood from the same animal. It is said that when preparing this meat it should be done by one person so that it can be enjoyable. But in this saying, it is normally used to warn people to beware of the people that they mingle or associate with, especially when faced with something challenging in life. They could bring you more trouble than the one you have. Or when a person has a challenge in his life, it is advisable to deal with it on a personal level than to tag other people along to help in solving that problem.

By: Mbusiswa Zuma

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