I-42nd Durban International Film Festival

Minyaka yonke iCentre for Creative Art (CCA) yase Nyuvesi yaKwaZulu Natal isingatha iDurban International Film Festival (DIFF) eyasungulwa ngo-1978. Nonyaka ibingomhlaka 22 Julayi yaphela ngezi 1 Agasti.

Le festival ibigubha iminyaka engu-42 yabokhona, ithathwa njengeyokuqala ifestival yamafilimu eNingizimu Afrika. Iminyakeni edlule lefestival ibikhombisa (screenings) amafilimu (short films, feature films and documentaries) ezindaweni ezahlukene zeTheku singabala iSneddon Theatre, Inkosi Albert Luthuli International Convention Centre (ICC), Ster-kinekor Musgrave ngezinye zazo. Ngenxa yeCovid 19, kusukela ngonyaka owedlule (2020) nakulonyaka amafilimu akhethiwe, ama seminars kanye nama workshops eSiphethu, konke sekukhonjiswa kwi-inthanethi (virtually).

Kulo nyaka ifilimu evule ifestival esihloko esithi The Eagle’s Nest iqondiswe (directed) uchwepheshe (award winner) u-Olivier Assoua ongowokuzalwa eCamerron kepha usezinze kwelase British. Yavalwa ngefilimu ethi Threshold okuyi documentary eqondiswe uCorarci Ruiz wase Brazil.

Akhona nafilimu eseNingizumu Afrika njenge Lakushon’ Ilanga (When the Sun Sets) ka Phumi Morare, ÈJÈ (Blood) kaFabian Adeoye Lojede, Shaka-Inkosi Yamakhosi kaManzini Zungu no Nick Cloete ukubala ambalwa. Okuhlaba umxhwele ukubona imbokodo yababhali nabadidiyeli kulama filimu.

Overview of the article

The article is about the Durban International Film Festival which celebrates its 42nd year since it was created in 1978. Over the years the festival has held screenings in different places in and around Durban, until last year when it all had to been screened virtually due to Covid 19. This is the second year that the screening of selected films, seminars and workshops is being done virtually. There is noticeable growth in female writers and directors in films selected for screening, which is amazing.

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