
Hopscotch is a game that is usually played by girls between the ages of six and eighteen. The game involves lots of jumping and balancing on one leg. It is fun to play, as well as a good form of exercise.The game of hopscotch can be played by two people, called “singles” or by four people, called “doubles”. The game has different stages called “rounds” and the different rounds require different actions from the player.

Mrs Wendy Maurice of Mariannridge, F-Section explained how the game is played.

First Round -1 Foot 1
Draw a grid of six squares (called dens) on a concrete floor using your stone.
Place your goon (a flat stone) into the first den.
Standing on one leg, slide the goon into the second den using your foot.
Place your raised leg into the second den and slide your goon into the third den.Play this way until you reach the sixth den and slide the goon out of the den and tramp it.

Second Round -1 Foot 2
Place your goon in the first den.
Standing on one leg, slide the goon into the second den.
With both feet down, jump into the second den and slide your goon into the third den.
Play in this alternating way until you reach the sixth den and exit the game.

Third Round – 2 Foot 2
Place your goon into the first den.
Stand with both feet down in the first den and slide your goon into the second den.
Jump into the second square with both feet down and slide the goon into the third den.
Play this way until you exit the game.

Missing Dens
Throw your goon into the second den.Jump into the second den on one foot and slide the goon into the fourth square.Jump into the fourth den and slide the goon into the sixth den then exit the game.

Play the same way for 1 foot 2 and 2 foot 2

Hard Labour
When you get to hard labour the game is played the same as above but you go out the game if you hop unsteadily in the den or slide your goon into the dens.

Rules of the Game
If the goon or feet touch the lines you go out.
If you do not tramp your goon when you exit the game you go out.
The last one left playing is the winner.

By Beverley Webster

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