First published in 1979 Emperor Shaka the Great details the exploits of King Shaka, and the considerable advances in state structure and military technology made during his reign. It is a book that has been much debated over the years, with the author, the late Professor Mazisi Kunene, often criticised for glamourising the life of King Shaka, who is often described as a tyrant in western history books.
The book, which takes the form of an epic poem based on the Zulu oral tradition, was first compiled by Kunene in Zulu, and then translated into English. Now, nearly thirty years later, the book has finally been published in its original isiZulu, with the launch of UNodomehlezi KaMenzi set to take place on the 18th March as part of the Centre of Creative Arts (CCA) Time of the Writer Festival.
For more information contact the CCA: 2506
Greetings, in that name of those who fight for us as writers, in this name every body has to read,to know,to understand, to tell the tale,and this is our tale,keep the fire blazing.
I salute you Mr kunene I vusumuzi Mseleku believe in our legendary profess and king shaka truth must be told and heard . how can a white man write abt our culture and kings whereas we do have people like you mtimande keep the spirit burning in your family people must know that king shaka was the king of the nation once again I salute you and long live the spirit of our king shaka the great I love and believe in you Bayede wena wendlovu