Community Questions / Imibuzo Yabantu

Below are the some of the questions that Ulwazi has received over the past month or two. Please feel free to contribute any information you might have in the comments section below, by first saying the question number, and then your answer/s. The more people who contribute to the discussion, the more our knowledge will grow!

  1. Isihlahla okuthiwa uRosilina sitholakalaphi? (Ukusetshenziswa kwesihlahla uRosilina Rosemary)
  2. Indoda esishonelwe kabili ingasizakala kanjani ngoba isifisa ukuthatha omunye unkosikazi? (Izinkolelo Ngokukhishwa Kwebhadi Kumuntu Oshonelwe Ohlekisana Naye)
  3. How is ukuthwasa is conducted in the Majola clan, how is a girl child initiated? (Request for Information on the Majola Clan)
  4. Ukhona owazi kahle izithakazelo zakwaSindane nomlando wakhona?
  5. OMnyandu noMntimande bahlobene kanganani? Bangakwazi yini ukuganiselana?
  6. Do you know any quotes/proverbs/idioms about respecting women?
  7. What are the processes or things done during imvuma abakhwenyana? (Stages in a Zulu Wedding: Lobola)


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