The annual uMkhosi Wesivivane festival took place this past weekend at the KwaKhangela Royal Palace in Nongoma, KwaZulu-Natal. Similar to uMkhosi woMhlanga, the Zulu reed dance, which takes place next month, the festival is focused on women. While the reed dance celebrates Zulu maidens, and their entry into womanhood, uMkhosi Wesivivane features older women and encourages social cohesion, emphasising the vital role that women play in society.
During the gathering the women discuss challenges that they face in their homes and share solutions. Speaking of the importance of the event, Smangele Mbatha (60), from Ntuli Village in Nkandla said:
We interpret it as a way of holding each other’s hands in the work of nation building. We also share how to raise our children so they can grow up to be responsible adults.”
Below are some photos from this year’s celebrations, courtesy of the Department of Arts and Culture, KZN:
Omama bahlangene Kwakhangelamankengane ukuzobungaza uMkhosi wesivivane, okungumkhosi womama lapho bexoxa khona ngezinto ezizokhulisa izingane zakhe isizwe. Babuye bacobelelane ngolwazi bakhulisane futhi bakhane. Lomkhosi owenzeka minyaka yonke esigodlweni KwaKhangelamankengane. Omama bebethokozile behuba amaculo ngesikhathi belungisa umhlanga abazowu dlulisela kuBayede kusasa -Department of Arts & Culture
Ngingukhethiwe ngineminyaka engu 31 ngiyafisa nami kujoyina umkhosi wesivivane ngise Newcastle endaweni yase Ballengeich nginhazhumana nobani celanusizo