Esikhathini sakudala ukuzingela kwakuyingxenye ebalulekile yempilo ebantwini besilisa. Babezingela ukuthola inyama kanye nokuthi basebenzise isikhumba senyamazane ukwenza okokugqoka njengamabheshu kanye nokumbatha uma belele. Kuhambe kwahamba ukuzingela kwangabe kusavunyelwa ukuthi abantu bakwenze ngoba izilwane bezincipha obekuzogcina sekwenza ukuthi zingabe zisatholakala eNingizimu Afrika. Lomthetho awubenzanga abantu ukuthi bayeke ukuzingela, baqala ukukwenza ngokuntshontsha njengokuthi bavuke ekuseni kakhulu uma beyozingela bebalekela ukuboshwa. Ukudoba abantu abaningi babengenazo izinto zokudoba kodwa babebona ukuthi kubalulekile ukuthi babenakho. Abaningi babengenawo amandla okukuthenga ezitolo bagcina abantu sebezakhela bona izinto zokudoba. Babesebenzisa ukhuni kanye nezintambo bese befuna iminyundu nezinye izilwane ezitholakala ngaphansi komhlabathi ukuthi bakwazi ukuheha izinhlanzi. Iningi labantu belihlala kude nolwandle bebedoba emifuleni eyakhele indawo abayakhele. Kuthiwa uhlobo lwezinhlanzi ababezithola zazenza amazinyo abo abole aze akhumuke.
English Summary: Hunting and Fishing
Long time ago hunting was a game to men. They hunted to get meat and to get buck skin for traditional clothing. People hunted every day until it was made illegal and people started to hunt secretly, like waking up in the early hours of the morning to avoid being caught and arrested. Fishing was also part of everyday life but people in our community could not afford to buy fishing rods and so they made their own using wood and other things. They did not fish from the sea, they used local rivers. As bait they used earthworms. It is said that the kind of fish they got from these rivers was not of good standard because it affected their teeth. Many fishermen lost their teeth.