Simpheke ngobhozwana!
Kwakukhona uchakijana nogogo. Uchakijana wayehlakaniphile wahlala wacabanga ukuthi angayithola kanjani inyama? Waqhamuka nesu, wathi ‘gogo,gogo asidlale umaphekaphekana’, wavuma ugogo. Wathi uchakide ngizoqala ukungena ebhodweni. Uma sengivuthiwe ngizothi ‘tshiyo tshiyo sengivuthiwe’.
Waqala uchakijana wabasa ugogo umlilo lashisa ibhodwe washo uchakijana tshiyo tshiyo sengivuthiwe amkhiphe ugogo njengesivumelwano. Bese kungena ugogo asho ugogo ‘tshiyo tshiyo sengivuthiweaphendule uchakijana, uvuthwe nini izinkobe zababa zingakavuthwa. Aqhubeke uchakijana abase sishe isalukazi size sivuthwe. Ashintshe uchakijana agqoke izingubo zikagogo. Zifike izingane zibuya esikoleni. Gogo sicela ukudla, uchakide aziphakele inyama kagogo. Zidle izingane ithi eyodwa kwafana nozipho lagogo lokhu athi uchakide dlana ukudla wena ukuyeke uma ungakufuni, zadla zasutha izingane zingazi ukuthi zidla inyama kagogo wazo. Wathi uchakide pe! pe! naze namudla ugogo wenu! Pe! pe! naze namudla ugogo wenu’.
Cosu! Cosu!
English Summary
The fairytale is about a granny and uchakijana (mongoose). Chakijana was very clever, one day he sat and thought about how he was going to get meat and he came up with an idea. Chakijana suggested that they play the game of cooking one another. He told granny that when they need to come out of the pot one should say ‘Tshiyo, tshiyo, I am cooked now’. They both agreed.
Uchakijana suggested to get inside the pot first then the granny agreed. When the fire burnt under the pot uchakijana said shouted as per their agreement and the granny opened the pot to let him out and it was granny’s turn to get inside. When the pot was hot granny shouted (Tshiyo! Tshiyo I am cooked now). Uchakijana refused to open the pot until the granny was well cooked to be eaten. Then he changed to granny’s clothes. The children came back from school and chakijana prepared granny’s meat. They ate and one of them said this looks like granny’s toe, Chakijana denied. They finished the food. Chakijana said, dancing and singing “Pe! Pe! You have eaten your granny!”
By: Bongiwe Ndlovu
You copied this folktale from ugogo nonogwaja
Your stories are very nice I enjoy reading them so I choose to comment today nice keep doing your job every body
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What are the moral values of this fairytale