UDesmond Makhanya

UDesmond Makhanya wazalwa eduzane nase-Adam’s Mission ngomhlaka 14 Septhemba 1935. Eneminyaka eyisikhombisa uMakhanya waqala isikole esigabeni sezinsana e-Adams College, isizukulwane sesine emndenini wakhe ukwenza lokho. Wahlala ekolishi waze wenza umatikuletsheni ngo-1954, futhi waba nokuxhumana okuqhubekayo nesikhungo esidumile sokufunda impilo yakhe yonke, esebenza esigungwini esilawulayo kusuka ngo-1999-2006. Njengoba isazi-mlando sasekolishi esasizakhele sona uMakhanya wahlonishwa kabanzi njenge … Read more

Desmond Makhanya

Desmond Makhanya was born near Adam’s Mission on 14 September 1935. At age seven he began school in the infants section of Adams College, the fourth generation in his family to do so. He remained at the college until he matriculated in 1954 and had an ongoing affiliation with the famous institution of learning ever … Read more

Desmond Makhanya: 14 September 1935 – 16 July 2016

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of 2013 eThekwini Living Legend, Desmond Makhanya.  Makhanya, who was born near Adam’s Mission in 1935, passed away on Saturday, at the age of 80. He is survived by his wife, five children and five grandchildren. His body will be laid to rest at Adams Mission tomorrow, the 23rd … Read more