Indawo yokulusa eCongo naseMtshebheni, iNanda

Indawo yaseCongo iyindawo enemizi eminingi ehlangene noma esondelene. Ngonyaka ka 2000 kwaqala ukuthi kube khona intuthuko kulendawo. Kwakhiwa imigwaqo kanye nezindlu zemixhaso kahulumeni. Abantu bakulendawo bayakuthanda ukulima kanye nokufuya. Ngenxa yokuthi indawo ayisekho kahle endaweni kunezindawo lapho belima khona nalapho kuluselwa khona izinkomo.

Idlelo lezinkomo nezimbuzi
Imfuyo ehlanganisa izinkomo nezimbuzi zikhashelwa endaweni evulekile ngasemfuleni kwaMamomhlophe. Iningi labantu alinabo abantu ababheka izinkomo noma izimbuzi zabo bazibophela khona ngasemfuleni bazishiye bazilande ntambama. Kulendawo iningi labantu selifuye izimbuzi ngenxa yakho ukuthi ayisekho indawo eyenele yokudla izilwane. Izinkomo ezitholakala endaweni ngezaMaSulumane akhele indawo yaseCongo. Yizona zodwa izinkomo ezinabantu abaqashiwe ukuthi baziluse. Ngaphambi kokuthi abantu basise ngezinkomo zabo babezithatha bazihambise kaDalton umuntu owayenesitolo endaweni khona zifike ziluswe ngabafana bakhona. Abantu kunemali ababeyikhokha ngalokhu.

Esinye sezizathu zokuthi abantu bahambise izinkomo yingenxa yobugebengu obabukhona endaweni. Ezikhathini zakudala kwakunediphu ngenhla kwendawo lapho kwakudla khona izinkomo. Kodwa manje ayisekho leyondawo ngenxa yokuthi kukhona imixhaso yezindlu zikahulumeni. Abanikazi bezimbuzi bayazithatha baziyise kulendawo bafike bazibophele ezihlahleni ukuze zingayi emgaqweni. Kodwa kuyenzeka ufice izimbuzi ngaphakathi emizini yabantu lezi azibhekwa futhi abanikazi bazo abazibopheli okwenza ukuthi zigcine zidle nezitshalo zabantu.

English summary
Before development the people of Congo and Mtshebheni areas had a lot of livestock including cattle and goats. They also had big piece of land where they ploughed their vegetables. Government started building low cost houses and roads in the year 2000 and this took a lot of space and people suffered. The grazing land was reduced to one area where people would take their livestock to graze. This affected the livestock because there was not enough food. People started selling their cattle and kept the goats hence a lot of people own goats in the area. The grazing land is next to Mamomhlophe River. In the olden days people would look after their animals or livestock but today they tie them around the grazing land and leave the livestock grazing and they fetch it in the afternoon.

Muslims are also part of the community and some of them own the cattle. These are the only livestock that have someone looking after it because of the crime. In the olden day a man called Dalton who had a shop in the area had a lot of cattle and was mostly affected by the development that he moved away from the area. Not everybody ties the livestock in the grazing land. The goats that are not tied up destroy plants and fields of other people.

Nqobile Mdabe

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