Imibuzo Yabantu / Community Questions

Below are the some of the questions that Ulwazi has received over the month of January. Please feel free to contribute any information you might have in the comments section below, by first saying the question number, and then your answer/s. The more people who contribute to the discussion, the more our knowledge will grow!

1. I have a problem with my dog every time I go near it, it just urinates on my feet, what does that mean? Please help me with the explanations.

2. Do Zulu men perform the ‘Xhosa circumcision’?

3. Nginombuzo wokuthi mina ndingenza njan ngoba uMa wam yingane eyatholwa emshadweni nguGogo noMkhulu kodwa ke akaze enzelwe imbeleko waze wathola mina ke engashadanga nami ngingakaze ngiyenzelwe. Manje senginengane yami nami. Manje bengisacela ukubuza ukuthi mina vele kumele ngiyenzele kuphi eyami imbeleko futhi ngingakwazi ukuyenza uma engakayenzi yena?

4. Thokoza, uma abathakatha bezama ukukuthwebula uze kube ngathi sewuhanjelwa inqondo, kuyenzeka yini mawugcina ulaphekile kodwa umqondo ungabe usabuyela esimweni sawo.

5. Ngicela ukwazi ukudla kwabathwa utshwala ababuphuzayo futhi ngicela ukwazi nogwayi abawubhemayo.

6. Uma ukhulele komalume amalobolo ephethwe omalume kwenzeka njani?

7. What does it mean if you dream of inhlwathi?

8a. Kukhona yini ubuhlobo phakathi abakwaMbhele nabakwaZimu?

8b. Ukhona yini umehluko phakathi abwaMbhele (with an ‘h’) nabakwaMbele (without an ‘h’). Uma kungukuthi ukhona, bengingacela uwuchaze lomehluko.

9. Mayelana nesitshalo sikabhatata (ungafunda lapha), kusho ukuthini uma sesigudla indlu, sekuzanywe konke okokusixosha kodwa asiyi ndawo isitshalo?


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