Ulwazi is an eThekwini Municipality sponsored programme, and as such we tend to focus on the history and activities of KZN, but sometimes we come across a project that is so worthwhile that it would be a crime not to try and promote it in any way possible. TSiBA is one such programme.
Started in 2004 TSiBA (Tertiary School in Business Administration) aims to equip South Africa’s future leaders with a socially-oriented, but top quality business education. The programme is run as an NPO and offers students full scholarships, which aren’t paid back, but rather ‘paid forward’ – the idea is to empower entrepreneurial leaders so that are able to affect social change and help build our nation.
Based in the Western Cape, the programme currently has an urban campus in Cape Town and a rural campus in the town of Karatara, near Knysna, but they accept applicants from throughout the country, and across Africa. TSiBA have produced five Mandela Rhodes scholars in five years, with 95% of their graduates either employed or pursuing post graduate studies (versus the national average of 32%). And importantly they offer bridging courses for applicants who have the desire, but not the marks, to attend university – something to bear in mind for all our recently matriculated learners.
TSiBA really is a South African success story that’s worth celebrating! Let’s spread the news, and who knows, maybe the next Mandela Rhodes scholar will come from Durbs!