The surname Duma comes from the place called KwaDumisa where Duma people used to fight with lions and win. The word Duma means ‘famous’. Now, you can find Duma people everywhere.
Duma praises
Ulwandl’ olungawelwa,Oluwelw’ izinkonjane,
Zon’ ezihamba phezulu,Abangongoloz’ abaphekwa netshe,Itshe lavuthwa kuqala, basala bona.
IsiZulu Summary
Isibongo sakwaDuma sitholaka endaweni yakwaDumisa lapho abantu bakhona babelwa namabhubesi bawahlule. Manje batholaka noma ngabe yikuphi abantu bakwaDuma.
By: Bongiwe Ndlovu
A place called Dumisa is very recent and we did not get our surname from the place. Our father “Dumisa” (Dumisa kaMvenya) settled at the place from midlands. The place was named after us… Not that we were named after it. Thank you
I am a Duma aswell from my father,s side. Can you please share some bit of history about where the Duma family comes from and maybe a bit of family tree timeline.
Would be gladly appreciated.
Just trying to understand Self.
Love and Light
Bheka lapha impendulo
Dumisa his grand grandfather was Mthombeni and it makes him Mthombeni