Durban Living Legend-Sam Pillay
Sam Pillay was born in 1957 in Cato Manor, Durban. At the age of 17 founded a youth club called Sunshine. The youth club organizing sporting and social function. They also raised funds for the funeral of pupils from Meadowlands who were killed whilst on a school excursion.
Sam Pillay played an active role in the anti-apartheid movement. He was a member of the Kharwastan Civics Association, South African Democratic Teacher Union, United Democratic Front (UDF) and the African National Congress. Sam Pillay was instrumental in setting up ANC structures in Chatsworth. He raised funds for the organization to help the sick and infirm and he was the CEO of Chartsworth Anti Drug Forum (ADF).
Sam Pillay passed away on the 25 January 2021 due to COVID-19 related complications.