Welcome to a book that is long overdue, one that allows us to tell our own South African story. South African History Retold: A Beginner’s Guide to the History Behind the Street Names deals with the histories of the people after whom South African street names have been renamed. It is a snapshot into the lives of people that gave up their freedom and, in many cases, their lives, to release South Africa from the shackles of apartheid. While it is not the complete list of all the struggle heroes that fought for freedom, it is a start.
“Until lions have their own historians, tales of the hunt shall always glorify the hunter” (Nigerian Igbo Proverb)

This book has been written for several other reasons. It is an opportunity to learn about our struggle icons, and to celebrate the people that allowed us the freedom we enjoy today. It is also meant to be a beacon of hope for the youth so that they can look introspectively at their identities in the South African context and how they might be a positive influence in shaping the country. In response to our colonial and apartheid legacies, this book contributes to reclaiming our history, transforming our minds and forging our own path.
The author, Khethiwe Zulu, hopes that this book acts as a vehicle for readers wanting to read more about our history. She hopes that on your daily drives when you these names on street corners, you are better informed about who these people were. She hopes you share it with your children for many years to come. The book is available from the author’s website.