Where did she go?

This game is named in a question form to ask about somebody whose whereabouts are not known. This is the explanation given by Ms. G Mkhize.

1 The person consulted
2 Who play this game?
3 What is used to play the game?
4 When is this game played?
5 Where is this game played?
6 How is this game played?
7 Custom associated with this game
8 Source

The person consulted
Ms. G Mkhize gave us an explanation about this game.

Who play this game?
This game is played by girls between the ages of 4 – 10.

What is used to play the game?
No equipment is used to play this game.

When is this game played?
This game is played during the day if it is not raining throughout the year.

Where is this game played?
This game is played in an open cleared spot.

How is this game played?
One girl would lead the game and ask questions while running around. The other girls would follow the leader and respond to the questions as they run behind her like this:Umholi : Waya ngaphi?Impendulo : Way’ esikoleniUmholi : Wayofunani?Impendulo : IsitifiketiUmholi : Wasithola?Impendulo : Qha! Qha! Qha.Umholi : Wenzenjani?Impendulo : WafeyilaUmholi : Wenzenjani?Impendulo : Wafeyila
When asking the first 3 questions, the girls would be running around following each other. On the 4th question they stop and perform a traditional dance. When they start afresh, they continue to run around. The game ends when they have had enough and are tired. During the game the girls take turns to lead the game. The girls can mix this game with other games done in this way and continue to play without stopping. As they run around during the game they follow a particular rhythm of the chant which also directs their running.

Custom associated with this game
The rhythms used during the game is similar to the rhythm women use when they are working together like in ploughing the fields. This game therefore prepares children to their adult life. It is a traditional African way of life to do things collectively.

From a Masters dissertation by Victoria Mkhize for the School of IsiZulu, University of KwaZulu-Natal. Supervised by Professors P.J. Zungu and V. Prabhakaran.

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