The Ulwazi Programme invited to present at IAMCR 2012 Durban

The International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) is the worldwide professional organisation in the field of media and communication research. Its members promote global inclusiveness and excellence within the best traditions of critical research in the field.

The University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) and the South African Communication Association (SACOMM) will host the 2012 IAMCR Conference in Durban, South Africa, July 15-19 2012. The theme for the conference will be ‘South-North Conversations’.

The Ulwazi Programme’s Niall McNulty has been invited to present a paper titled ‘Local users, local language and local content: the case of the eThekwini Municipality’s Ulwazi Programme’ at the conference’s Digital Divide Working Group.

For more information visit the the conference website at IAMCR 2012 and IAMCR’s site at


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