The Power of Muthi?

Police called in to restore order after a crowd gathered to witness cheating wife and her lover locked together
Police called in to restore order after a crowd gathered to witness cheating wife and her lover locked together

To most people it’s just a bit of tabloid gossip, but this story of marital infidelity shows how some traditional beliefs, while bizarre sounding to many, still pay a strong role in the lives of people in our community. What police are referring to as ‘penis captivus’ (when the muscles in the vagina clamp down on the penis making it impossible for the penis to withdraw) is believed by some to be the work of a disgruntled husband who sought the help of a witch doctor to confirm whether or not his wife was having an affair. Supposedly while the husband was away the wife had sex with another man who then became trapped inside her!

Click here to read Jerry’s story on the means that husbands will go to find out what their wives are up to while they’re away, and here to read the story that’s captured everyone’s attention, as it appeared in the Huffington Post.

Photograph courtesy of

2 thoughts on “The Power of Muthi?”

  1. Good morning

    First i would like to thank you for keeping me on my toes with what is happening around the world. Especially when you talk about Sangomas and the power of muthi etc. I am a Sangoma who still needs clarity in other things. Your website really highlight many things for me and the meaning of dreams i got them from here the ones i didnt know how to explain to them or what they mean.

    Thank you again

  2. Makhosi Angie,

    We will pass this message to our fieldworkers who collects all the great stories.



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