Mr. Sabelo Nzuza of KwaMaphumulo says a bundle is an enlarged item which is made to appear bigger than it actually is. The small bundle is a smaller item but stuffed up to appear a little bigger.
1 The person consulted.
2 Who play this game?
3 What is used to play this game?
4 When is this game played?
5 Where is this game played?
6 How is this game played?
7 Custom associated with this game.
8 Source
The person consulted.
Explanation about this game was given by Sabelo Nzuza of eSidumbini, KwaMaphumulo who is 25 years old.
Who plays this game?
This game is played by boys and girls between the ages of 4 – 10.
What is used to play this game?
No equipment is used to play this game.
When is this game played?
This game is played during the day if it is not raining.
Where is this game played?
This game is played in an open cleared spot.
How is this game played?
Children form two groups which face each other. The player gets into the circle and somersaults with his/her head down and legs in the air. The other children clap hands while chanting:
Okhonz’ enyangeni
Okhonz’ enyangeni
The child in the middle would then move about on his hands with his legs still in the air. The others would measure the distance so that they identify only one who walks the longer distance. If the child falls he/she is out of the game, and another one would play. They take turns until they tire and change to another game.
Custom associated with this game.
There is no cultural orientation associated with this game. It only helps children to have strong arms.
From a Masters dissertation by Victoria Mkhize for the School of IsiZulu, University of KwaZulu-Natal. Supervised by Professors P.J. Zungu and V. Prabhakaran.