Many Hands Make Light Work!

We recognise that natural resources form part of our natural heritage, so we thought we would appeal to our Ulwazi followers to lend a hand! During the recent storms that hit the city, billions of small plastic pellets, known as nurdles, washed up on our shores. The problem is that nurdles absorb pollutants such as PCBs and pesticides, which are extremely harmful to marine life. Added to that is the fact that nurdles never disintegrate, but rather break down into smaller and smaller fragments, making them easy for fish to eat. In light of this serious threat, uShaka Sea World is making a plea to the public to assist in the clean up:

Thousands of hands are needed to collect these along the drift line over the next few days. So, take nets, sieves, colanders, spades and buckets, go down at low tide and try and clear as much of it as you can while it is still new. It makes for a little work out while enjoying a fun outing, but will go a long way towards minimising the long term damage to our beaches and marine environment. If we all work together, we can help clean these nurdles off our beaches.

To assist with the disposal of the toxic nurdles uShaka have provided clearly labelled bins at various collection points, including uShaka Sea World Ticketing, Surf Riders Cafe, Afro’s, Wedge Beach Lifeguards and California Dreaming.

Let’s see if our Ulwazi followers can help the community, and the environment, by donating an hour of their time to assisting with the clean up. Many hands really do make light work!

Images courtesy of the South African Association for Marine Biological Research

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