Lucky Ziko Simayile has been a resident of Kwa Mashu (Durban, South Africa) since 1996. When he was released from prison he decided to join Ekhaya Multi-Art Centre (E-MAC) “A creative home for creative people” as a performing artist. He originally hails from the Mpumalanga township (Hammersdale).
As a young person he tried to get the easy way through life and he ended up in prison. Being in prison was eye an opener to Lucky because he than realised that crime does not pay. Lucky, 27 years of age, has performed in a number of productions such as Our Voice, Albert Luthuli “The Musical” and Just Don’t Do Crime. All these productions were written and directed by Edmund Mhlongo (director of E-MAC) “Just Don’t Do Crime” is one of the plays that Lucky enjoyed being part of the cast because it granted him the opportunity of telling the young people of Kwa Mashu and the World to stay away from criminal activities. “Just Don’t Do Crime “was not just staged locally but it also went to London.
“I have never imagined myself performing for people in London especially because I am an ex- convict,” said Lucky with a smile in his face.
When we asked him about any other activities that he is involved in he said “I am a motivational speaker so I visit local schools to talk to scholars and tell them which path is the right one to take in life and I am also a content producer for Vibe fm 94.7 which is set to launch soon.
Lucky Simayile confirmed that “Just Don’t Do Crime” will be back on stage again this year for 2009 and the people should keep their ears and eyes open for more information.