In honour of women’s day, a poem about a mother by Zothani Msomi.
From the womb;
She would’ve thought it was a tomb
…Ngoba ngabe ngithulise okwesdumbu.
When she touched her belly,
I’d move.
After all, she is my mommy
And I’d only want to improve her mood.
To birth,
I’d cry just to alert her I’m alive.
At her first beautiful glance,
I’d give her my biggest smile.
During the day, she’d be super busy
Kodwa ubsuku bakhe buyobe bunjenge njwayelo
Because I’d want to be sleepy.
I’d help her help me!
Sengisho uma eseng’sukumisa,
Lapho sek’fanele ng’cathule
Ngisho lapho seng’culelwa k’thiwa “hheda”.
I’d say the words she wants to hear,
Ones that make her shed a tear
…So sweet and cashmere.
“Mama” would totally be the first.
“Ngyak’thanda” would be a regular.
To that, I’d want her to burst
To what I love most, her laughter.
Top grades
Throughout my grades.
At parents’ meetings,
She’d be the happiest
From their beginnings
To their endings.
Now I want her treasure to be unique
One that will not bring any critique.
A piece of newspaper!
One that she would doubtlessly brag about
For I want it to be because of her daughter
That she is extremely proud!
-Zothani Msomi