Durban Living Legend – Felicity Keats Morrison

 Felicity Keats Morrison has a B.Com, and UED. Her brief teaching career ended with the desire to write professionally. During her fifty years of writing, Felicity Keats has penned across many genres, from freelance journalism, short stories and children’s books to novels and scripts. Director at Dancing Pencils Literacy Development Project and umSinsi Press.

In 1992 she successfully began teaching people, using a powerful right brain teaching course, to write works that allowed them to start publishing almost right away.

In 1995 she began a niche publishing company, umSinsi Press, as a platform for her talented writers. She started Mentor Training in 2003, passing on her knowledge to others who in turn have started writing clubs with the outcome being anthologies published annually, as well as some individual work from clubs Felicity is also publishing for Education departments under their trained mentors. This has resulted in the spread of good writing in many parts of South Africa, leading to better school passes and better job opportunities.

Testament to her passion for literacy in South Africa, Felicity has personally trained more than 1000 mentors, each training taking a full two to three days,  and has worked in all nine provinces of South Africa, training education specialists, curriculum implementers, district officials, provincial education department officials, and educators,  to use non judgmental non critical methods of helping children to read and write publishable work and so rapidly increase literacy levels, even in the deepest rural areas. Felicity also enjoys  water-colour painting and photography as a hobby.

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